
Journal du Voyeur

Radical Chic and Mau-Mauing the Flak Catchers

by Tom Wolfe

Who Killed Lumumba?

Lumumba: The Last Fifty Days

by G. Heinz and H. Donnay, translated by Jane Clark Seitz

Little Private Lives

Nutshell Library

by Maurice Sendak

Where the Wild Things Are

by Maurice Sendak

In the Night Kitchen

by Maurice Sendak

Charlie and the Chocolate Factory

by Roald Dahl

Fantastic Mr. Fox

by Roald Dahl

The Trumpet of the Swan

by E.B. White

Young and Black in America

compiled by Rae Pace Alexander

I Was a Black Panther

by Chuck Moore

I Never Loved Your Mind

by Paul Zindel

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Worshipping the Red Mushroom

The Sacred Mushroom and the Cross

by John M. Allegro

The Encounter

by Malachi Martin

The Medical-Industrial Complex

Men, Money and Medicine

by Eli Ginzberg and Miriam Ostow


The Peopled Wound: The Work of Harold Pinter

by Martin Esslin

Harold Pinter: The Poetics of Silence

by James R. Hollis

Landscape and Silence

by Harold Pinter

The Evolution of Charles Darwin

The Triumph of the Darwinian Method

by Michael T. Ghiselin

The View from Jefferson’s Camp

Jefferson the President: First Term, 1801-1805 (Volume IV, Jefferson and his Time)

by Dumas Malone

Thomas Jefferson and the New Nation: A Biography

by Merrill D. Peterson

Magsmen, Macers, Gonophs, Footpads and Pimps

Victorian Studies in Scarlet

by Richard D. Altick

The Anti-Society: An Account of the Victorian Underworld

by Kellow Chesney

The Edwardians

by J.B. Priestley

Black History

The African Genius

by Basil Davidson

Africa to 1875: A Modern History

by Robin Hallett

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