
Khrushchev Forgets

Khrushchev Remembers: The Last Testament

translated and edited by Strobe Talbott, with a foreword by Edward Crankshaw, an introduction by Jerrold L. Schecter

Buchanan Redux

“James Buchanan’s great accomplishment as president was to relieve Lincoln of the burden of provoking the Civil War.”

Buchanan Dying: A Play

by John Updike

On the Make in Paris and London

Whistler: A Biography

by Stanley Weintraub

Victorian Outsider: A Biography of J.A.M. Whistler

by Roy McMullen

People in a Trap

Life Is Elsewhere

by Milan Kundera, translated by Peter Kussi

Laughable Loves

by Milan Kundera, translated by Suzanne Rappaport, with an introduction by Philip Roth

Good Men Still Live!

by Alan Levy

The Case Worker

by George Konrád, translated by Paul Aston

Satan in Salem

Salem Possessed: The Social Origins of Witchcraft

by Paul Boyer and Stephen Nissenbaum

Simone Says…

All Said and Done

by Simone de Beauvoir, translated by Patrick O'Brian

The Way We Live Now

The War Between the Tates

by Alison Lurie

TV Guide

The Hundred Million Dollar Lunch

by Sterling "Red" Quinlan

Broadcast License Renewal Act: Report, together with Separate Views

US House of Representatives, 93rd Congress, 2nd Session

Playing in the FM Band

by Steve Post

In Defense of Misery

Beyond Monogamy

edited by James R. Smith, edited by Lynn G. Smith

Divorced in America

by Joseph Epstein

Was This Empire Necessary?

The Imperial Republic: The United States and the World, 1945-1973

by Raymond Aron

"Lessons" of the Past: The Use and Misuse of History in American Foreign Policy

by Ernest R. May

The Logic of World Power: An Inquiry into the Origins, Currents, and Contradictions of World Politics

by Franz Schurmann

The Cold Warriors: A Policy-Making Elite

by John C. Donovan

O Tempora! O Moors!

Count Julian

by Juan Goytisolo, translated by Helen R. Lane

Death, Sleep and the Traveler

by John Hawkes

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