produced and directed by Warren Beatty, written by Warren Beatty and Trevor Griffiths
The Polish Complex
by Tadeusz Konwicki, translated by Richard Lourie
The Operas of Verdi, Vol. 3: From Don Carlos to Falstaff
by Julian Budden
Fashion and Fetishism: A Social History of the Corset, Tight-Lacing, and Other Forms of Body-Sculpture in the West
by David Kunzle
All That Is Solid Melts into Air: The Experience of Modernity
by Marshall Berman
"The Realist Tradition: French Painting and Drawing 1830-1900" the St. Louis Art Museum, the Glasgow (Scotland) Art Gallery and Museum. November 1980-January 1982
an exhibition at the Cleveland Museum of Art, the Brooklyn Museum,
The Realist Tradition: French Painting and Drawing 1830-1900
by Gabriel P. Weisberg
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