
A Family Romance

Birthday Letters

by Ted Hughes


a poem


Gross Indecency: The Three Trials of Oscar Wilde

a play written and directed by Moisés Kaufman. at the Minetta Lane Theater, New York City

The Trials of Oscar Wilde: Deviance, Morality, and Late-Victorian Society

by Michael S. Foldy

Oscar Wilde's Last Stand: Decadence, Conspiracy, and the Most Outrageous Trial of the Century

by Philip Hoare


Arthur Dove: A Retrospective 1998-April 12, 1998.

byan exhibition at the Whitney Museum of American Art, January 15, Catalog of the exhibition by Debra Bricker Balken, with William C. Agee and Elizabeth Hutton Turner

‘Whither Dost Thou Hasten?’

Panther in the Basement

by Amos Oz, translated by Nicholas de Lange

The Iron Tracks

by Aharon Appelfeld, translated by Jeffrey M. Green

The Governor in Drag?

The Lord Cornbury Scandal: The Politics of Reputation in British America

by Patricia U. Bonomi

Louisiana Story

Degas in New Orleans: Encounters in the Creole World of Kate Chopin and George Washington Cable

by Christopher Benfey

Masters and Servants

by Pierre Michon, translated by Wyatt Alexander Mason

Justice for Blacks?

Race, Crime, and the Law

by Randall Kennedy

Search and Destroy: African-American Males in the Criminal Justice System

by Jerome G. Miller

Malign Neglect
Race, Crime, and Punishment in America

by Michael Tonry

Portraits of a Lady

Women's Words: Essay on French Singularity

by Mona Ozouf, translated by Jane Marie Todd

A Garland of Ibids

The Footnote: A Curious History

by Anthony Grafton

The Art of the Possible

Pierre-Paul Prud'hon 12, 1998, and the Metropolitan Museum of Art, March 10, 1998-June 7, 1998.

by 1997-January an exhibition at the Grand Palais, Paris, September 23, Catalog of the exhibition by Sylvain Lavessière

Augustin Pajou, Royal Sculptor and the Metropolitan Museum of Art, February 26-May 24, 1998.

byan exhibition at the Louvre, Paris, October 20, 1997-January 19, 1998, Catalog of the exhibition by James David Draper and Guilhelm Scherf

Pulling Down the Temple

Barney's Version

by Mordecai Richler

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