Saddam's Bombmaker: The Terrifying Inside Story of the Iraqi Nuclear and Biological Weapons Agenda
Khidhir Hamza, with Jeff Stein
The Rasputin File
Edvard Radzinsky, translated by Judson Rosengrant
Founding Brothers: The Revolutionary Generation
Joseph J. Ellis
The Creation of America: Through Revolution to Empire
Francis Jennings
Parlor Politics: In Which the Ladies of Washington Help Build a City and a Government
Catherine Allgor
A New World
Amit Chaudhuri
An Obedient Father
Akhil Sharma
Interpreter of Maladies
Jhumpa Lahiri
The Gubbio Studiolo and Its Conservation:Vol. 1: Federico da Montefeltro's Palace at Gubbio and Its Studiolo
Olga Raggio
The Gubbio Studiolo and Its Conservation: Vol. 2: Italian Renaissance Intarsia and the Conservation of the Gubbio Studiolo
Antoine M. Wilmering
The Throne of Labdacus
Gjertrud Schnackenberg
Supernatural Love: Poems 1976–1992
Gjertrud Schnackenberg
Whitehall and the Jews 1933–1948: British Immigration Policyand the Holocaust
Louise London
Farewell Leicester Square
Betty Miller
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