
What James Comey Did

He will be remembered for interfering baselessly in a presidential election.

The Dancer & the Dance

Zadie Smith’s ‘Swing Time’

Swing Time

by Zadie Smith

Recapturing Jerusalem at the Met

Jerusalem, 1000–1400: Every People Under Heaven

an exhibition at the Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York City, September 26, 2016–January 8, 2017

The Brutal Battle over the Euro

The Euro: How a Common Currency Threatens the Future of Europe

by Joseph E. Stiglitz

The Euro and the Battle of Ideas

by Markus K. Brunnermeier, Harold James, and Jean-Pierre Landau

America’s Invisible Inferno

People who have spent time in solitary confinement describe being shackled to bunks by their feet and hands, being fed slop or left without food in a state of extreme hunger, and being beaten by hooded guards armed with tasers and bats. Once you see—and smell—a solitary cell, you will never forget it.

Hell Is a Very Small Place: Voices from Solitary Confinement

edited by Jean Casella, James Ridgeway, and Sarah Shourd, with an afterword by Juan E. Méndez

‘A Monstrous Prodigy’


a film directed by Michael Grandage

Father to Daughter: The Family Letters of Maxwell Perkins

by Maxwell Perkins, edited by Louise Perkins King, Ruth King Porter, and Bertha Perkins Frothingham

Look Homeward: A Life of Thomas Wolfe

by David Herbert Donald

Aline: The First Biography of Aline Bernstein, Famed Stage Designer and Mistress of Thomas Wolfe

by Carole Klein

The Rockefeller Family Fund vs. Exxon

For decades the company deceived the public about climate change.

Merchants of Doubt: How a Handful of Scientists Obscured the Truth on Issues from Tobacco Smoke to Global Warming

by Naomi Oreskes and Erik M. Conway

Private Empire: ExxonMobil and American Power

by Steve Coll

Exxon: The Road Not Taken

by Neela Banerjee, John H. Cushman Jr., David Hasemyer, and Lisa Song

What Exxon Knew About the Earth’s Melting Arctic

an article by Sara Jerving, Katie Jennings, Masako Melissa Hirsch, and Susanne Rust

How Exxon Went from Leader to Skeptic on Climate Change Research

an article by Katie Jennings, Dino Grandoni, and Susanne Rust

Big Oil Braced for Global Warming While It Fought Regulations

an article by Amy Lieberman and Susanne Rust

Archival Documents on Exxon’s Climate History

available at

Smoke, Mirrors and Hot Air: How ExxonMobil Uses Big Tobacco’s Tactics to Manufacture Uncertainty on Climate Science

a report by the Union of Concerned Scientists, January 2007, available at

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Passions for the Past: The Aubrey Story

John Aubrey, My Own Life

by Ruth Scurr

Shake Those Dice Again

A Gambler’s Anatomy

by Jonathan Lethem

A Very Close Friend of the Family

Rasputin: Faith, Power, and the Twilight of the Romanovs

by Douglas Smith

The Kurds Are Nearly There

The dream of a national homeland is one that all Kurds share, wherever they currently live.

From Tribe to Nation: Iraqi Kurdistan on the Cusp of Statehood

a report by Amberin Zaman

The Kurds: A Modern History

by Michael M. Gunter

Invisible Nation: How the Kurds’ Quest for Statehood Is Shaping Iraq and the Middle East

by Quil Lawrence

Kurdistan Rising? Considerations for Kurds, Their Neighbors, and the Region

by Michael Rubin

What the Trees Say

“If you look up at those mossy, fern-encrusted branches, you may well find redstarts and robins and wood warblers searching for insects, while woodpeckers and little owls build their nests in hollows in the trunk.”

The Long, Long Life of Trees

by Fiona Stafford

The Hidden Life of Trees: What They Feel, How They Communicate—Discoveries from a Secret World

by Peter Wohlleben, translated from the German by Jane Billinghurst

Eleanor in War and Love

Eleanor Roosevelt, Vol. 3: The War Years and After, 1939–1962

by Blanche Wiesen Cook

Eleanor and Hick: The Love Affair That Shaped a First Lady

by Susan Quinn

Great Scientists Against Terrible Odds

Physics in a Mad World

edited by M. Shifman and translated from the Russian by James Manteith

The Strangely Contentious Lives of the Quincy Adamses

John Quincy Adams: Militant Spirit

by James Traub

Louisa: The Extraordinary Life of Mrs. Adams

by Louisa Thomas

When Public Goes Private, as Trump Wants: What Happens?

No high-performing nation in the world has privatized its schools.

Education and the Commercial Mindset

by Samuel E. Abrams

School Choice: The End of Public Education?

by Mercedes K. Schneider

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