
In Africa

Jungle Lovers

by Paul Theroux

Farquharson's Physique: And What It Did to His Mind

by David Knight

The Wanderers

by Ezekiel Mphahlele

This Earth, My Brother…An Allegorical Tale of Africa

by Kofi Awoonor

Bound to Violence

by Yambo Ouologuem, translated by Ralph Manheim

A Hero in the USSR

The Medvedev Papers

by Zhores A. Medvedev, translated by Vera Rich, with a Foreword by John Ziman F.R.S.

Sensuous Women

Kate Chopin, A Critical Biography

by Per Seyersted

The Complete Works of Kate Chopin

edited by Per Seyersted, Foreword by Edmund Wilson

Paranoia and American History

The Slave Power Conspiracy and the Paranoid Style

by David Brion Davis

Free Soil, Free Labor, Free Men: The Ideology of the Republican Party Before the Civil War

by Eric Foner

Charles Sumner and the Coming of the Civil War

by David Donald

Charles Sumner and the Rights of Man

by David Donald

It’s Your Fault, Henry James

The Imperial Self: An Essay in American Literary and Cultural History

by Quentin Anderson

A Secret Conspiracy Exposed!

Il Nicodemismo: Simulazione e dissimulazione religiosa nell' Europa del 1500

by Carlo Ginzburg

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