Confessions of a White Racist
by Larry L. King
Yazoo: Integration in a Deep-Southern Town
by Willie Morris
by William Shawcross
The Czechoslovak Experiment 1968-1969
by Ivan Sviták
Prague Notebook: The Strangled Revolution
by Michel Salomon, translated by Helen Eustis
A Year Is Eight Months: Czechoslovakia 1968
Journalist M.
Czechoslovakia Since World War II
by Tad Szulc
Journal d'un contre-révolutionnaire (to be published in November by McGraw-Hill as Diary of a Counter Revolutionary, translated by Ruth Willard (256 pp., $6.95))
by Pavel Kohout
The Confession
by Artur London, translated by Alastair Hamilton
Stalinism in Prague: The Loebl Story
by Eugen Loebl, translated by Maurice Michael
The Czechoslovak Political Trials, 1950-1954: The Suppressed Report of the Dubcek Government's Commission of Inquiry, 1968
edited by Jirí Pelikán
The Quest for Christa T.
by Christa Wolf, translated by Christopher Middleton
Postwar German Literature
by Peter Demetz
The Literature of East Germany
by Theodore Huebener
Poetry in East Germany: Adjustments, Visions, and Provocations 1945-1970
by John Flores
Condemned to Freedom
by William Pfaff
The Radical Left and American Foreign Policy
by Robert W. Tucker
Promises to Keep
by Chester Bowles
Architects of Illusion
by Lloyd Gardner
by Diane Shaver Clemens
America and Russia in a Changing World
by W. Averell Harriman
From Trust to Terror
by Herbert Feis
The Yalta Myths
by Athan Theoharis
The Rise to Globalism: American Foreign Policy Since 1938
by Stephen E. Ambrose
The Harvest of Hellenism
by F.E. Peters
Constantine the Great
by J. Holland Smith
The Emergence of the Catholic Tradition, 100-600 The Christian Tradition: Vol. One
by Jaroslav Pelikan
Judaism and the Early Christian Mind
by Robert L. Wilken
Jesus and Israel
by Jules Isaac, translated by Sally Gran, edited and with a Foreword by Claire Hucket Bishop
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