
In Chinese Prisons

Prisoner of Mao

by Bao Ruo-wang (Jean Pasqualini) and Rudolph Chelminski

China Behind the Mask

by Warren Phillips and Robert Keatley

A Chinese View of China

by John Gittings

An Odd Ball in an Odd Country at an Odd Time

St John of the Cross: His Life and Poetry

by Gerald Brenan, with a translation of the poetry by Lynda Nicholson

Slug of Redemption

From the Diary of a Snail

by Günter Grass

What Did the Romantics Mean?

Caspar David Friedrich, 1774-1840: Romantic Landscape Painting in Dresden

by William Vaughan and Helmut Börsch-Supan and Hans Joachim Neidhardt

Robert Schumann: The Man and His Music

edited by Alan Walker

Women’s Work

Lesbian Nation

by Jill Johnston

Combat in the Erogenous Zone

by Ingrid Bengis

The Inevitability of Patriarchy

by Steven Goldberg

The Manipulated Man

by Esther Vilar

Not in God's Image

by Julia O'Faolain and Lauro Martines

Male Chauvinism!

by Michael Korda

Beyond God the Father: Toward a Philosophy of Women's Liberation

by Mary Daly

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It’s Later than You Think

As If By Magic

by Angus Wilson

Temporary Kings

by Anthony Powell

The Plot That Thickened

by P.G. Wodehouse

The World of Jeeves

by P.G. Wodehouse

All About Jeeves

by P.G. Wodehouse

Two on the Aisle

Asylums: Essays on the Social Situation of Mental Patients and Other Inmates

by Erving Goffman

The Presentation of Self in Everyday Life

by Erving Goffman

Encounters: Two Studies in the Sociology of Interaction

by Erving Goffman

Relations in Public: Micro Studies of the Public Order

by Erving Goffman

Towards a Poor Theatre

by Jerzy Grotowski

Hogan’s Goats

The Briar Patch: The People of the State of New York v. Lumumba Shakur Et Al

by Murray Kempton

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