
Buyers’ Market

George Gissing: The Born Exile

by Gillian Tindall

Arnold Bennett: A Biography

by Margaret Drabble

Arnold Bennett: The Evening Standard Years

edited with an introduction by Andrew Mylett

Surviving Death

Living and Dying

by Robert Jay Lifton and Eric Olson

The Denial of Death

by Ernest Becker


by Hilma Wolitzer

Jewish Reflections on Death

edited by Rabbi Jack Riemer, with a foreword by Elisabeth Kübler-Ross

Parsifal: The Worship of Wagnerism


Metropolitan Opera production, conducted by Georg Solti, with René Kollo and Gottlob Frick and Dietrich Fischer-Dieskau and Christa Ludwig and Zoltan Kélémén and Hans Hotter

Parsifal, Volume 14 (score)

edited by Martin Beck and Egon Voxx

Parsifal, Volume 30 (documents) of the Sämtliche Werke (Complete Works) of Richard Wagner

edited by Martin Beck and Egon Voxx

Up Against the News

The Seventeenth Degree

by Mary McCarthy

The Mask of State: Watergate Portraits

by Mary McCarthy

Great Depression

Ross and Tom: Two American Tragedies

by John Leggett

Did Mill Go Too Far?

On Liberty and Liberalism: The Case of John Stuart Mill

by Gertrude Himmelfarb

Toward the Black Pussy Cafe

W.C. Fields by Himself: His Intended Biography

with commentary by Ronald J. Fields

Will South Africa Explode?

No Neutral Ground

by Joel Carlson

Justice in South Africa

by Albie Sachs

Modernizing Racial Domination: The Dynamics of South African Politics

by Heribert Adam

A Taste of Power

by Peter Randall

Big Problem for Marx

Karl Marx: His Life and Thought

by David McLellan

Grundrisse: Foundations of the Critique of Political Economy

by Karl Marx, translated with a foreword by Martin Nicolaus

Include Me Out


by Garson Kanin

Wide-Eyed in Babylon

by Ray Milland

Each Man in His Time

by Raoul Walsh

Whatever Happened to Hollywood?

by Jesse L. Lasky Jr.

Final Cut

by Paul Sylbert

Talking Pictures: Screenwriters in the American Cinema

by Richard Corliss

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