How to Prosper During the Coming Bad Years
by Howard J. Ruff
The Pritikin Program for Diet and Exercise
by Nathan Pritikin and Patrick M. McGrady Jr.
The Complete Scarsdale Medical Diet
by Herman Tarnower and Samm Sinclair Baker
The Russian Empire: A Portrait in Photographs
by Chloe Obolensky, with an introduction by Max Hayward
Windows on the River Neva: A Memoir Books, Wellfleet, Massachusetts 026677)
by Paul Grabbe
A Guide to Post-Keynesian Economics
edited by Alfred S. Eichner
The Windsor Story
by J. Bryan III and Charles J.V. Murphy
Prince Charles
by Anthony Holden
Brother to Dragons: A Tale in Verse and Voices (A New Version)
by Robert Penn Warren
Now and Then: Poems, 1976-1978
by Robert Penn Warren
Form and Meaning: Essays on the Renaissance and Modern Art
by Robert Klein, translated by Madeline Jay and Leon Wieseltier, with a foreword by Henri Zerner
Japan As Number One: Lessons for America
by Ezra F. Vogel
The Japanese Challenge: The Success and Failure of Economic Success
by Herman Kahn and Thomas Pepper
Hitler, A Film from Germany
directed by Hans-Jürgen Syberberg
Hitler, ein Film aus Deutschland Giroux later this year)
by Hans-Jürgen Syberberg
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