
Acts of Love

If on a winter's night a traveler

by Italo Calvino, translated by William Weaver

A Working Girl

Joan of Arc: The Image of Female Heroism

by Marina Warner

Joan of Arc: The Legend and the Reality

by Frances Gies

Kilmartin’s Way

Remembrance of Things Past

by Marcel Proust, translated by C.K. Scott Moncrieff and Terence Kilmartin and Andreas Mayor

Marcel Proust's Grasset Proofs: Commentary and Variants (distributed by the University of North Carolina Press)

by Douglas W. Alden

Proust and the Art of Love: The Aesthetics of Sexuality in the Life, Times, and Art of Marcel Proust

by J.E. Rivers

Proust's Recherche: A Psychoanalytic Interpretation

by Randolph Splitter

Proust dans la recherche littéraire

by Sigbrit Swahn

Proust's Additions: The Making of 'A la recherche du temps perdu,'

by Alison Winton

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The Revenge of the Vrai

Zuckerman Unbound

by Philip Roth

Know Thy President

Reagan the Man, the President

by Hedrick Smith and Adam Clymer and Leonard Silk and Robert Lindsey and Richard Burt

The Real Reagan: What He Believes, What He Has Accomplished, What We Can Expect From Him

by Frank van der Linden

Ronald Reagan: A Political Biography

by Lee Edwards

Reagan in Pursuit of the Presidency

by Doug Wead and Bill Wead

Where's the Rest of Me? The Autobiography of Ronald Reagan

by Richard G. Hubler

Ronald Reagan: His Life and Rise to the Presidency

by Bill Boyarsky

The Future Under President Reagan

edited by Wayne Valis

Reaganomics: Supply Side Economics in Action

by Bruce Bartlett

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Return of the Native

The Issa Valley

by Czeslaw Milosz, translated by Louis Iribarne

Native Realm: A Search for Self-Definition paperback edition

by Czeslaw Milosz, translated by Catherine S. Leach

Emperor of the Earth: Modes of Eccentric Vision

by Czeslaw Milosz

Bells in Winter

translated by Czeslaw Milosz, translated by Lillian Vallee

The Captive Mind

by Czeslaw Milosz, translated by Jane Zielonko. (with a new foreword by the author)

The Way We Lived Then

Edwardian Childhoods

by Thea Thompson

Roses in December: Edwardian Recollections

by Amy Stewart Fraser

East End Underworld: Chapters in the Life of Arthur Harding

edited by Raphael Samuel

The People's England

by Alan Ereira

The Victorian Countryside

edited by Gordon E. Mingay

The Gentleman's Country House and Its Plan 1835-1914

by Jill Franklin

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Out of the Picture

Absorption and Theatricality: Painting and Beholder in the Age of Diderot

by Michael Fried

Comic Schemes

Loitering With Intent

by Muriel Spark

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