Home: A Short History of an Idea
by Witold Rybczynski
by Tracy Kidder
The Englishman's Room
edited by Avilde Lees-Milne, photographs by Derry Moore
Designs for Interiors: Catalog to the Exhibition
by Stephen Calloway
The First Coming: How the Kingdom of God Became Christianity
by Thomas Sheehan
Truman: The Rise to Power
by Richard Lawrence Miller
Bess W. Truman
by Margaret Truman
by Roy Jenkins
The Secret Trauma: Incest in the Lives of Girls and Women
by Diana E.H. Russell
The Original Sin: Incest and Its Meaning
by W. Arens
Forbidden Partners: The Incest Taboo in Modern Culture
by James B. Twitchell
The Complete Prose of Marianne Moore
edited and with an introduction by Patricia C. Willis
'Funu': The Unfinished Saga of East Timor
by Jose Ramos-Horta, preface by Noam Chomsky
East Timor Violations of Human Rights: Extrajudicial Executions, 'Disappearances,' Torture and Political Imprisonment, 1975–1984
Timor: A People Betrayed
by James Dunn
Was Einstein Right? Putting General Relativity to the Test
by Clifford M. Will
The Fragility of Goodness: Luck and Ethics in Greek Tragedy and Philosophy
by Martha C. Nussbaum
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