
Afghanistan’s Other War

Caught in the midst of a grownups’ war, young Afghans are under intense political pressure from both the Soviets and the mujahedin.

City Lights

The City as a Work of Art: London, Paris, Vienna

by Donald J. Olsen

On the Edge of Revelation

Five Women

by Robert Musil, translated by Eithne Wilkins and Ernst Kaiser, preface by Frank Kermode

Japan: Prose of Departure

last flickering shift / of flame flutters off. The log’s / charred forked shape is left. A travelogue; or mourning a friend from afar.

The Genius of George Herriman

Krazy Kat: The Comic Art of George Herriman

by Patrick McDonnell and Karen O'Connell and Georgia Riley de Havenon

The Wild Blue Yonder

Diary of a Yuppie

by Louis Auchincloss

Pubis Angelical

by Manuel Puig, translated by Elena Brunet

Paper Doll

by Jim Shepard

The Americans in Space

The Heavens and the Earth: A Political History of the Space Age

by Walter A. McDougall

Report to the President by the Presidential Commission on the Space Shuttle Challenger Accident

The Aerospace Plane: Technological Feasibility and Policy Implications Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Report No.15 by Stephen W. Korthals-Altes

Sex in the Head

Sexual Desire: A Moral Philosophy of the Erotic

by Roger Scruton



by Stephen King


by James Clavell

A Long Way from Poland

Poland's Caribbean Tragedy: A Study of Polish Legions in the Haitian War of Independence, 1802–1803 Press

by Jan Pachonski and Reuel K. Wilson

Are Tyrants Necessary?

At the Dawn of Tyranny: The Origins of Individualism, Political Oppression, and the State

by Eli Sagan

Catching Up with the Avant-garde

Bohemian Paris: Culture, Politics, and the Boundaries of Bourgeois Life, 1830–1930

by Jerrold Seigel

Pleasures of the Belle Epoque: Entertainment and Festivity in Turn-of-the-Century France

by Charles Rearick

France: Fin de Siècle

by Eugen Weber

Theory of the Avant-Garde

by Peter Bürger, translated by Michael Shaw, foreword by Jochen Schulte-Sasse

Poets, Prophets, and Revolutionaries: The Literary Avante-Garde from Rimbaud through Postmodernism

by Charles Russell

The Culture of Time and Space: 1880–1918

by Stephen Kern

The Matrix of Modernism: Pound, Eliot, and Early Twentieth-Century Thought

by Sanford Schwartz

Mapping Literary Modernism: Time and Development

by Ricardo J. Quinones

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