The Animal Estate: The English and Other Creatures in the Victorian Age
by Harriet Ritvo
One Man's Owl
by Bernd Heinrich
Robert Lowell: Collected Prose
edited and introduced by Robert Giroux
The Dead
a film directed by John Huston, based on the story by James Joyce
The New Palgrave: A Dictionary of Economics
edited by John Eatwell, edited by Murray Milgate, edited by Peter Newman
The Cherry Orchard
a play by Anton Chekhov, in a translation by Elisaveta Lavrova, directed by Peter Brook
The Shifting Point, 1946–1987
by Peter Brook
The Cambridge History of Latin America: Vol. I, Colonial Latin America
edited by Leslie Bethell
The Cambridge History of Latin America: Vol. II, Colonial Latin America
edited by Leslie Bethell
The Cambridge History of Latin America: Vol. III, From Independence to c. 1870
edited by Leslie Bethell
The Cambridge History of Latin America: Vol. IV, c. 1870 to 1930
edited by Leslie Bethell
The Cambridge History of Latin America: Vol. V, c. 1870 to 1930
edited by Leslie Bethell
Black Robes, White Justice
by Bruce Wright
Racial Attitudes in America: Trends and Interpretations
by Howard Schuman and Charlotte Steeh and Lawrence Bobo
The Afrocentric Idea
by Molefi Kete Asante
Plural but Equal
by Harold Cruse
Crime in the United States
a report by the Federal Bureau of Investigation
Criminal Victimization in the United States, 1985: A National Crime Survey Report
a report by the Bureau of Justice Statistics
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