
Destiny in Any Case

I Will Bear Witness: A Diary of the Nazi Years, 1933-1941

by Victor Klemperer, translated by Martin Chalmers

Ich will Zeugnis ablegen bis zum letzten: Tagebücher 1933-1945

by Victor Klemperer, edited by Walter Nowojski

Democracy for Sale

The Buying of the Congress: How Special Interests Have Stolen Your Right to Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness

by Charles Lewis. the Center for Public Integrity

Jackson Whole

Jackson Pollock 1998-February 2, 1999; Tate Gallery, London, March 11-June 6, 1999.

an exhibition at the Museum of Modern Art, New York, November 1,, Catalog of the exhibition by Kirk Varnedoe, with Pepe Karmel

The Big American Crime

Many Thousands Gone: The First Two Centuries of Slavery in North America

by Ira Berlin

Slave Counterpoint: Black Culture in the Eighteenth-Century Chesapeake and Lowcountry

by Philip D. Morgan

Remembering Slavery: African Americans Talk About Their Personal Experiences of Slavery and Emancipation

a book and audiotape set, translated by Ira Berlin and Marc Favreau and Steven F. Miller

Africans in America: America's Journey through Slavery

produced by WGBH

Africans in America: America's Journey through Slavery

by Charles Johnson and Patricia Smith. the WGBH Research Team

China is Near

The Chan's Great Continent: China in Western Minds

by Jonathan D. Spence

Scientists Behaving Badly

The Baltimore Case: A Trial of Politics, Science, and Character

by Daniel J. Kevles

Grand Illusions

New Worlds from Old: 19th Century Australian and American Landscapes Atheneum, Hartford, Connecticut, September 12, 1998-January 4, 1999, and the Corcoran Gallery of Art, Washington, D.C., January 26-April 18, 1999.

an exhibition traveling from Canberra and Melbourne to the Wadsworth, Catalog of the exhibition by Elizabeth Johns and Andrew Sayers and Elizabeth Mankin Kornhauser, with Amy Ellis

Thomas Moran

catalog of the traveling exhibition, edited by Nancy K. Anderson, with contributions from Thomas P. Bruhn and Joni L. Kinsey and Anne Morand

The Solzhenitsyn Archipelago

Alexander Solzhenitsyn:A Century in His Life

by D.M. Thomas

Footprints of a Shadow

Fernando Pessoa: A Centenary Pessoa

edited by Eug̩nio Lisboa, with L.C. Taylor

Poems of Fernando Pessoa

translated and edited by Edwin Honig and Susan M. Brown

Fernando Pessoa & Co.:Selected Poems

edited and translated by Richard Zenith

Always Astonished: Selected Prose by Fernando Pessoa

edited, translated, and introduced by Edwin Honig

The Keeper of Sheep

by Fernando Pessoa, translated by Edwin Honig and Susan M. Brown

An Introduction to Fernando Pessoa: Modernism and the Paradoxes of Authorship

by Darlene J. Sadlier

The Presence of Pessoa:English, American, and South American Literary Responses

by George Monteiro

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Out of Novemberland

The Rings of Saturn

by W.G. Sebald, translated by Michael Hulse

The Hack of Genius

Daniel Defoe: The Life and Strange, Surprising Adventures

by Richard West

A la Recherche du Temps Perdu

Realms of Memory: The Construction of the French Past

edited by Pierre Nora, English-language edition edited by Lawrence D. Kritzman, translated by Arthur Goldhammer

Volume I: Conflicts and Divisions

Volume II: Traditions

Volume III: Symbols

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