Gabriele D'Annunzio: Defiant Archangel
by John Woodhouse
Cabiria e il suo tempo
edited by Paolo Bertetto and Gianni Rondolino
Griffithiana: The Journal of Film History
edited by Davide Turconi
In the Firing Line: War and Children's Rights
by Amnesty International UK
The Kissinger Transcripts: The Top-Secret Talks with Beijing and Moscow
edited by William Burr
The Great Experiment: George Washington and the American Republic October 6, 1998-June 6, 1999; and the Morgan Library, New York, September 16, 1999-January 2, 2000
an exhibition at the Huntington Library, San Marino, California,
The Great Experiment: George Washington and the American Republic
by John Rhodehamel, foreword by Gordon S. Wood
The Black Death and the Transformation of the West
by David Herlihy, edited and with an introduction by Samuel K. Cohn, Jr.
Fall of the New Class: A History of Communism's Self-Destruction
by Milovan Djilas, edited by Vasilije Kalezic, Translated from the Serbo-Croatian by John Loud
The Culture of the High Renaissance: Ancients and Moderns in Sixteenth-Century Rome
by Ingrid Rowland
The Ufa Story: A History of Germany's Greatest Film Company 1918-1945
by Klaus Kreimeier, translated by Robert Kimber and Rita Kimber
The Ministry of Illusion: Nazi Cinema and Its Afterlife
by Eric Rentschler
Der Bewegte Mann (Maybe Maybe Not) (1994)
a film by Sönke Wortmann
Opened Ground: Selected Poems 1966-1996
by Seamus Heaney
Seamus Heaney
by Helen Vendler
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