
‘A Lone Left Thing’

Marsden Hartley

Catalog of the exhibition edited byElizabeth Mankin Kornhauser

My Dear Stieglitz: Letters of Marsden Hartley and Alfred Stieglitz, 1912–1915

edited by James Timothy Voorhies

Conspiracy of Silence

On the Natural History of Destruction

by W.G. Sebald, translated from the German by Anthea Bell

Sweet Persuasions of the Dark

Regions of the Great Heresy: Bruno Schulz, A Biographical Portrait

by Jerzy Ficowski, translated from the Polish and edited by Theodosia Robertson

The Taming of a Terrorist

A Secret History of the IRA

by Ed Moloney

Darwinian Storytelling

The Blank Slate: The Modern Denial of Human Nature

by Steven Pinker

A Confederate Guerrilla

Jesse James: Last Rebel of the Civil War

by T.J. Stiles

In Memoriam

Quick Studies: The Best of Lingua Franca

edited and with an introduction by Alexander Star

Haunted by the Russian Devil

Pushkin's Children: Writings on Russia and Russians

by Tatyana Tolstaya, translated from the Russianby Jamey Gambrell, with an introduction by Alma Guillermoprieto

The Slynx

by Tatyana Tolstaya, translated from the Russian by Jamey Gambrell

Call Me Mister

Respect in a World of Inequality

by Richard Sennett

Beethoven the Unruly

Beethoven: The Music and the Life

by Lewis Lockwood

China’s Psychiatric Terror

Dangerous Minds: Political Psychiatry in China Today and Its Origins in the Mao Era

by Robin Munro

The Strange Case of Dr. B.

Rising to the Light: A Portrait of Bruno Bettelheim

by Theron Raines

Not the Thing I Was: Thirteen Years at Bruno Bettelheim's Orthogenic School

by Stephen Eliot

The Creation of Dr. B: A Biography of Bruno Bettelheim

by Richard Pollak

The Pelican and After

by Tom Wallace Lyons

Bettelheim: A Life and a Legacy

by Nina Sutton, translated from the French by David Sharp

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