Boys and Girls Forever: Children's Classics from Cinderella to Harry Potter
by Alison Lurie
The War over Iraq: Saddam's Tyranny and America's Mission
by Lawrence F. Kaplan and William Kristol
Reinventing the Male Homosexual: The Rhetoric and Power of the Gay Gene
by Robert Alan Brookey
The World Turned: Essays on Gay History, Politics, and Culture
by John D'Emilio
Normal: Transsexual CEOs, Crossdressing Cops, and Hermaphrodites with Attitude
by Amy Bloom
Left Out: The Politics of Exclusion, Essays 1964–2002
by Martin Duberman
The New Face of War
by Bruce Berkowitz
The Mission: Waging War and Keeping Peace with America's Military
by Dana Priest
War Without End: The Rise of Islamist Terrorism and Global Response
by Dilip Hiro
Iraq: In the Eye of the Storm
by Dilip Hiro
Matisse Picasso
Catalog of the exhibition by Elizabeth Cowling, John Golding, Anne Baldassari, Isabelle Monod-Fontaine, John Elderfield, and Kirk Varnedoe
Tuxedo Park: A Wall Street Tycoon and the Secret Palace of Science That Changed the Course of World War II
by Jennet Conant
Puccini: A Biography
by Mary Jane Phillips-Matz
Puccini: His Life and Works
by Julian Budden
Puccini: His International Art
by Michele Girardi, translated from the Italian by Laura Basini
Haiti's Predatory Republic: The Unending Transition to Democracy
by Robert Fatton Jr.
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