
The Lower Depths

Up the Junction

by Nell Dunn

Division Street: America

by Studs Terkel

Victoria Lives and Is in the Stacks

Coaching Days of England

edited by Paul Elek, edited by Elizabeth Elek, with a Commentary by Anthony Burgess

The Victorians

by Joan Evans

Victorian England: Portrait of an Age

by G.M. Young

The Triumph of Time: A Study of the Victorian Concepts of Time, History, Progress, Decadence

by Jerome Buckley

Evolution & Society: A Study in Victorian Social Theory

by John W. Burrow

Hobbes in One Piece

Hobbes's System of Ideas

by J.W.N. Watkins

Hobbes's Science of Politics

by M.M. Goldsmith

Hobbes Studies

edited by Keith C. Brown

Shook-up Generation

Harvests of Change: American Literature 1865-1914

by Jay Martin

Realism and Naturalism in Nineteenth-Century American Literature

by Donald Pizer

The Novels of Frank Norris

by Donald Pizer

The American 1890s: Life and Times of a Lost Generation

by Larzer Ziff

No End to the Affair

“French politics after 1900 were not the same as before. Perhaps even without the Affair, the new forces—socialists demanding reform, syndicalists calling for direct action, a new right-wing anti-democratic nationalism represented by the Action Française, a renewed movement among the Radicals for the final separation of the Roman Church from the French State—these would have begun to make themselves felt; but there seems little doubt that the Dreyfus experience accelerated these developments.”

France and the Dreyfus Affair

by Douglas Johnson

Good Manners

The Collected Poems of Louis MacNeice

edited by E.R. Dodds

High and Low

by John Betjeman

Collected Poems 1930-1965

by A.D. Hope

A Question of Upbringing

The Soldier's Art

by Anthony Powell

A Meeting by the River

by Christopher Isherwood

UnRoman Activities

The Mask of Jove

by Stringfellow Barr

Enemies of the Roman Order

by Ramsay MacMullen

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