Coaching Days of England
edited by Paul Elek, edited by Elizabeth Elek, with a Commentary by Anthony Burgess
The Victorians
by Joan Evans
Victorian England: Portrait of an Age
by G.M. Young
The Triumph of Time: A Study of the Victorian Concepts of Time, History, Progress, Decadence
by Jerome Buckley
Evolution & Society: A Study in Victorian Social Theory
by John W. Burrow
Hobbes's System of Ideas
by J.W.N. Watkins
Hobbes's Science of Politics
by M.M. Goldsmith
Hobbes Studies
edited by Keith C. Brown
Harvests of Change: American Literature 1865-1914
by Jay Martin
Realism and Naturalism in Nineteenth-Century American Literature
by Donald Pizer
The Novels of Frank Norris
by Donald Pizer
The American 1890s: Life and Times of a Lost Generation
by Larzer Ziff
France and the Dreyfus Affair
by Douglas Johnson
The Collected Poems of Louis MacNeice
edited by E.R. Dodds
High and Low
by John Betjeman
Collected Poems 1930-1965
by A.D. Hope
The Soldier's Art
by Anthony Powell
A Meeting by the River
by Christopher Isherwood
The Mask of Jove
by Stringfellow Barr
Enemies of the Roman Order
by Ramsay MacMullen
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