A Catalogue of the Caricatures of Max Beerbohm
by Rupert Hart-Davis
A Peep into the Past and Other Prose Pieces
by Max Beerbohm, collected and introduced by Rupert Hart-Davis
The Lies of Art: Max Beerbohm's Parody and Caricature
by John Felstiner
Max in Verse: Rhymes and Parodies
by Max Beerbohm, edited by J.G. Riewald
The Tree Where Man Was Born
by Peter Matthiessen
The African Experience
by Eliot Porter
The Serengeti Lion: A Study of Predator-Prey Relations
by George B. Schaller
The Life and Art of Henry Fuseli
by Peter Tomory
Blake's Illustrations to the Poems of Gray
by Irene Tayler
The Green Flag: The Turbulent History of the Irish National Movement
by Robert Kee
Towards a New Ireland
by Garret FitzGerald
John Dee: The World of an Elizabethan Magus
by Peter J. French
"John Dee e il suo sapere"
by Furio Jesi
The Occult Sciences in the Renaissance: A Study in Intellectual Patterns
by Wayne Shumaker
by Dan Jenkins
Edwin Mullhouse: The Life and Death of an American Writer, 1943-1954, by Jeffrey Cartwright
by Steven Millhauser
The Temptation of Jack Orkney and Other Stories
by Doris Lessing
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