
Nabokov’s Touch

Look at the Harlequins!

by Vladimir Nabokov

Strong Opinions

by Vladimir Nabokov

The Mystery of the Libidinous Molecule

Life: The Unfinished Experiment

by S.E. Luria

Animal Architecture

by Karl von Frisch, with the collaboration of Otto von Frisch, translated by Lisbeth Gombrich

The Lives of a Cell: Notes of a Biology-Watcher

by Lewis Thomas

Propaganda of the Victors

The Senate Watergate Report

with an introduction by Daniel Schorr

The Great Cover-Up: Nixon and the Scandal of Watergate

by Barry Sussman

The Palace Guard

by Dan Rather and Gary Paul Gates

The Fall of a President

by the staff of the Washington Post

Undercover: Memoirs of an American Secret Agent

by E. Howard Hunt

No Final Victories

by Lawrence O'Brien

Big Brother and the Holding Company: The World Behind Watergate

edited by Steve Weissman, with introduction by Noam Chomsky

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George Jackson and His Legend

Angela Davis: An Autobiography

by Angela Davis

Comrade George

by Eric Mann

"The Dragon Has Come"

by Gregory Armstrong

Bring Back the Birch!

Swinburne: Portrait of a Poet

by Philip Henderson

The Year of the Wombat: England, 1857

by Francis Watson

Sitting on Top of the World

Emperor of China: Self-Portrait of K'ang-hsi

by Jonathan D. Spence

Fiction in Extremis

The Abbess of Crewe

by Muriel Spark

The Connoisseur

by Evan S. Connell Jr.

The Mystic Adventures of Roxie Stoner

by Berry Morgan

Photography: The Beauty Treatment

William H. Fox Talbot: Inventor of the Negative-Positive Process

by André Jammes

French Primitive Photography

introduction by Minor White, commentaries by André Jammes and Robert Sobieszek

Paul Strand: A Retrospective Monograph, Vol. I, The Years 1915-1946; Vol. II, The Years 1950-1968

by Paul Strand

The Daybooks of Edward Weston, Vol. I, Mexico

by Edward Weston

The Daybooks of Edward Weston, Vol. II, California

by Edward Weston

Happy Endings

Waiting for the Party: The Life of Frances Hodgson Burnett

by Ann Thwaite

American Graffito

Sinatra: The Main Event

at Madison Square Garden, October 12 and 13

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