Science and Civilisation in China Volume 5, Chemistry and Chemical Technology, Part II: Spagyrical Discovery and Invention: Magisteries of Gold and Immortality
by Joseph Needham, with the collaboration of Lu Gwei-Djen
The Madrid Codices of Leonardo da Vinci
edited by Ladislao Reti
The Unknown Leonardo
edited by Ladislao Reti
The Sacred and Profane Love Machine
by Iris Murdoch
The Siege of Krishnapur
by J.G. Farrell
The Last Days of Louisiana Red
by Ishmael Reed
Winter in the Blood
by James Welch
Out of the Ghetto: The Social Background of Jewish Emancipation, 1770-1870
by Jacob Katz
Fat Sasha and the Urban Guerilla: Protest and Conformism in the Soviet Union
by David Bonavia
Samizdat: Voices of the Soviet Opposition
edited by George Saunders, translated by the editor and Marilyn Vogt
Ten Years After Ivan Denisovich
by Zhores A. Medvedev, translated by Hilary Sternberg
The Last Exodus
by Leonard Schroeter
I Am a Jew: Essays on Jewish Identity in the Soviet Union B'nai Brith
edited by Aleksander Voronel, edited by Viktor Yakhot
Jewishness Rediscovered: Jewish Identity in the Soviet Union B'nai Brith
edited by Aleksander Voronel, edited by Viktor Yakhot
Boomerang: The Works of Valentyn Moroz
edited by Yaroslav Bihun, introduction by Paul L. Gersper
Report from the Beria Reserve: The Protest Writings of Valentyn Moroz Chicago, Illinois 60680)
edited and translated by John Kolasky
Church, State and Opposition in the USSR Communism
by Gerhard Simon, translated by Kathleen Matchett. in collaboration with the Centre for the Study of Religion and
Timon of Athens
by William Shakespeare, French version by Jean-Claude Carrière, directed by Peter Brook
The Riverside Shakespeare
edited by G. Blakemore Evans et al
The Harvard Concordance to Shakespeare
by Marvin Spevack
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