

A Man Called Intrepid: The Secret War

by William Stevenson

The Struggles of T.S. Eliot

The Overwhelming Question: A Study of the Poetry of T. S. Eliot

by Balachandra Rajan

Selected Prose of T.S. Eliot

edited with an introduction by Frank Kermode

The Classic: Literary Images of Permanence and Change

by Frank Kermode

T. S. Eliot

by Stephen Spender

Sex in the Head

From Machismo to Mutuality: Essays on Sexism and Woman-Man Liberation

by Eugene C. Bianchi and Rosemary Radford Ruether

My Secret Garden: Women's Sexual Fantasies

compiled by Nancy Friday

Binding with Briars: Sex and Sin in the Catholic Church

by Richard Ginder

Sexual Behavior in the 1970s

by Morton Hunt

Noble Lovers

by D.D.R. Owen

The Modernization of Sex

by Paul Robinson

The Homosexual Matrix

by C. A. Tripp

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Under Westy’s Eyes

A Soldier Reports

by General William C. Westmoreland

Soldiers in Revolt: The American Military Today

by David Cortright

A Man for the Hour

The Worm of Consciousness and Other Essays

by Nicola Chiaromonte, edited by Miriam Chiaromonte, introduction by Mary McCarthy

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