
Winner Take Nothing

Marathon: The Pursuit of the Presidency, 1972-1976

by Jules Witcover

A Government As Good As Its People

by Jimmy Carter

Follow the Lieder

Schubert's Songs: A Biographical Study

by Dietrich Fischer-Dieskau, translated by Kenneth S. Whitton

The Fischer-Dieskau Book of Lieder

translated by George Bird, translated by Richard Stokes

What Happened in the Sixties?

Gates of Eden: American Culture in the Sixties

by Morris Dickstein

How Not to Be a Critic

Transatlantic Patterns: Cultural Comparisons of England with America

by Martin Green

An American in Cuba

Four Men: Living the Revolution, An Oral History of Contemporary Cuba

by Oscar Lewis and Ruth M. Lewis and Susan M. Rigdon

Writing from a Deceptive Continent

The Borzoi Anthology of Latin American Literature

selected and edited by Emir Rodríguez Monegal, with the assistance of Thomas Colchie

The Boom in Spanish American Literature Inter-American Relations

by José Donoso, translated by Gregory Kolovakos

The Black Upper Class

Certain People: America's Black Elite

by Stephen Birmingham


The Morley Mythology

by Austin Wright


by Thomas Gavin

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