How the Soviet Union Is Governed
by Jerry F. Hough and Merle Fainsod
For Queen and Country: Britain in the Victorian Age
by Margaret Drabble
George Eliot and the Novel of Vocation
by Alan Mintz
The Healthy Body and Victorian Culture
by Bruce Haley
The English Vice: Beating, Sex and Shame in Victorian England and After
by lan Gibson
A Time to Heal: The Autobiography of Gerald R. Ford
Martha: The Life of Martha Mitchell
by Winzola McLendon
Confession and Avoidance: A Memoir
by Leon Jaworski, with Mickey Herskowitz
To Set the Record Straight: The Break-in, the Tapes, the Conspirators, the Pardon
by John J. Sirica
A Time for Truth
by William E. Simon
Intellectual Life in the Colonial South, 1585-1763
by Richard Beale Davis
The American Jeremiad
by Sacvan Bercovitch
The Nabokov-Wilson Letters: Correspondence Between Vladimir Nabokov and Edmund Wilson, 1940-1971
edited, annotated, and with an introductory essay by Simon Karlinsky
The Four Gospels and the Revelation
translated by Richmond Lattimore
Blood of Spain: An Oral History of the Spanish Civil War
by Ronald Fraser
Going After Cacciato
by Tim O'Brien
by Craig Nova
Mulligan Stew
by Gilbert Sorrentino
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