
The Animal Himself

The Face of Lincoln

compiled and edited by James Mellon

Displaced Person

Smile Please: An Unfinished Autobiography

by Jean Rhys

Did the Resistance Matter?

Soldiers of the Night: The Story of the French Resistance

by David Schoenbrun

Issyvoo’s Conversion

My Guru and His Disciple

by Christopher Isherwood

A Struggle Against Suffocation

A Part of Speech

by Joseph Brodsky

The Perils of Pauline

When the Lights Go Down

by Pauline Kael

Beyond Bitterness

Kolyma Tales

by Varlam Shalamov, translated by John Glad

All in the Family

Jack: The Struggles of John F. Kennedy

by Herbert S. Parmet

Kennedy and Roosevelt: The Uneasy Alliance

by Michael R. Beschloss

To the Greenhouse

The Second Coming

by Walker Percy

Chinese Ghost Story

China Men

by Maxine Hong Kingston

The Uprooted

Unsettling Europe

by Jane Kramer

Moravia’s Victims

Time of Desecration

by Alberto Moravia, translated by Angus Davidson

New York Poets

The Burning Mystery of Anna in 1951

by Kenneth Koch

The Morning of the Poem

by James Schuyler


by Frederick Seidel


by Robert Mazzocco

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