Walter Lippmann and the American Century
by Ronald Steel
Herculine Barbin: Being the Recently Discovered Memoirs of a Nineteenth-Century French Hermaphrodite
introduced by Michel Foucault
Stalin's Successors: Leadership, Stability, and Change in the Soviet Union
by Seweryn Bialer
Freud: The Man and the Cause
by Ronald W. Clark
Sigmund Freud's Dreams
by Alexander Grinstein
The Vikings William Morrow
by James Graham-Campbell and Dafydd Kidd
The Viking World
by James Graham-Campbell
"The Vikings" 1980, and the Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, October 4, 1980 to January 4,1981
an exhibition at the British Museum February 19, 1980 to July 20,
La Peinture d'histoire en France de 1747 à 1785
by Jean Locquin
1700 tal: Tanke och form i rokokon
an exhibition at the Nationalmuseum, Stockholm October 5, 1979-January 6, 1980
L'Arte del Settecento Emiliano: La Pittura
an exhibition at Palazzo di Re Enzo, Bologna, September-November, 1979
L'Arte del Settecento Emiliano: L'Arte a Parma dai Farnese ai Borbone
an exhibition at Palazzo della Pilotta, Parma, 1979
Chardin, 1699-1779
by Pierre Rosenberg. catalogue of the exhibition at Le Grand Palais, Paris, Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, and the Cleveland Museum of Art, 1979
Chardin and the Still-Life Tradition in France
by Gabriel P. Weisberg, with William S. Talbot. catalogue of the exhibition at the Cleveland Museum of Art, 1979
Civiltà del '700 a Napoli, 1734-1799
an exhibition at the Palazzo di Capodimonte, Naples, December 1979-October, 1980
The Architecture of the French Enlightenment
by Allan Braham
Alessandro Magnasco
by Fausta Franchini Guelfi
Goya: The Origins of the Modern Temper in Art
by Fred Licht
John Flaxman
edited by David Bindman. catalogue of the exhibition at the Hamburg Kunsthalle and the Royal Academy of Arts, London, Winter 1979
The Fuseli Circle at Rome: Early Romantic Art of the 1770s
by Nancy L. Pressly. catalogue of the exhibition at the Yale Center for British Art 1979
L'Art européen à la cour d'Espagne au XVIIIe siècle
exhibition at La Galerie des Beaux-Arts, Bordeaux, Le Grand Palais, Paris, and Prado, Madrid, May 1979-April 1980
Keaton: The Man Who Wouldn't Lie Down
by Tom Dardis
Keaton: The Silent Features Close Up
by Daniel Moews
Buster Keaton
by David Robinson
by Rudi Blesh
The Dying Gaul and Other Writings
by David Jones, edited by Harman Grisewood
Introducing David Jones
edited by John Matthias
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