
Waugh’s Last Stand

The Letters of Evelyn Waugh

edited by Mark Amory

Informing on the Informers

Naming Names

by Victor S. Navasky

The Thinking Man’s Novel

Ideas and the Novel

by Mary McCarthy

Peacock Displayed: A Satirist in His Context

by Marilyn Butler

Rescuing Homosexual History

Christianity, Social Tolerance, and Homosexuality: Gay People in Western Europe from the Beginning of the Christian Era to the Fourteenth Century

by John Boswell

Mississippi Myths

The Collected Stories of Eudora Welty

by Eudora Welty

Children of Paradise

Theater and Revolution: The Culture of the French Stage

by Frederick Brown

Caveat Lector: The New Heidegger

Gesamtausgabe (Collected Edition) projected 70-volume set

by Martin Heidegger

The Situation Is Desperate But Not Critical

North-South, A Program for Survival Development Issues Under the Chairmanship of Willy Brandt

The Report of the Independent Commission on International

Rich and Poor Nations in the World Economy

by Albert Fishlow and Carlos S. Diaz-Alejandro and Roger D. Hansen and Richard R. Fagen

America’s Garrison Government

The Governors-General: The English Army and the Definition of the Empire, 1569-1681

by Stephen Saunders Webb

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