
Under the Volcano

Stalin's Secret War

by Nikolai Tolstoy

Confiscated Power: How Soviet Russia Really Works

by Hélène Carrère D'Encausse, translated by George Holoch

USSR: The Corrupt Society

by Konstantin M. Simis

Notes of a Revolutionary

by Andrei Amalrik, translated by Guy Daniels

Make It Strange

On the Black Hill

by Bruce Chatwin

Command Performances

The Pursuit of Power: Technology, Armed Force, and Society since AD 1000

by William H. McNeill

Whose Life Is It, Anyway?

Katherine Anne Porter: A Life

by Joan Givner

Founding Uncle

Léon Blum

by Jean Lacouture, translated by George Holoch

Castles in the Mud

Strindberg as Dramatist

by Evert Sprinchorn

Strindberg and the Poetry of Myth

by Harry G. Carlson

Experimental Station

The Cyprus Triangle

by R.R. Denktash

The Corpse in the Elevator

Against Biological Determinism

Dialectics of Biology Group, edited by Steven Rose

Towards a Liberatory Biology

Dialectics of Biology Group, edited by Steven Rose

The Fall of the Gentry

The Transformation of Virginia: 1740-1790

by Rhys Isaac

The Prince of Pure Feeling

An Abyss Deep Enough: Letters of Heinrich von Kleist with a Selection of Essays and Anecdotes

edited and translated by Philip B Miller


by Heinrich von Kleist, edited by Walter Hinderer

What Liberalism Isn’t

Social Justice in the Liberal State

by Bruce A. Ackerman

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