Stalin's Secret War
by Nikolai Tolstoy
Confiscated Power: How Soviet Russia Really Works
by Hélène Carrère D'Encausse, translated by George Holoch
USSR: The Corrupt Society
by Konstantin M. Simis
Notes of a Revolutionary
by Andrei Amalrik, translated by Guy Daniels
The Pursuit of Power: Technology, Armed Force, and Society since AD 1000
by William H. McNeill
Strindberg as Dramatist
by Evert Sprinchorn
Strindberg and the Poetry of Myth
by Harry G. Carlson
Against Biological Determinism
Dialectics of Biology Group, edited by Steven Rose
Towards a Liberatory Biology
Dialectics of Biology Group, edited by Steven Rose
An Abyss Deep Enough: Letters of Heinrich von Kleist with a Selection of Essays and Anecdotes
edited and translated by Philip B Miller
by Heinrich von Kleist, edited by Walter Hinderer
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