
Art, Life, and T. S. Eliot

T.S. Eliot: A Study in Character and Style

by Ronald Bush

Israel: A Partial Indictment

The Fateful Triangle: The United States, Israel and the Palestinians

by Noam Chomsky

On New Music

Each generation will create its own supermarket music—like produce that, after eight days, is rotten and you can’t eat it anymore and have to toss it away.

Richesse d’embarras

D. V.

by Diana Vreeland, edited by George Plimpton and Christopher Hemphill

Winner Take Less

The Evolution of Cooperation

by Robert Axelrod

Odor and Ardor

Infante's Inferno

by G. Cabrera Infante, translated by Suzanne Jill Levine with the author

Required Reading

Required Writing: Miscellaneous Pieces 1955––1982

by Philip Larkin

Working-Class Casanova

Will & Circumstance: Montesquieu, Rousseau and the French Revolution

by Norman Hampson

Journal de ma vie: Jacques-Louis Ménétra, compagnon vitrier au 18e siècle

edited by Daniel Roche

Your Host of Hosts

Ronald Reagan: The Politics of Symbolism

by Robert Dallek

Reagan Inside Out

by Bob Slosser

Abortion and the Conscience of the Nation

by Ronald Reagan

The Russians and Reagan

by Strobe Talbott, foreword by Cyrus R. Vance

Shrinking Michelangelo

Michelangelo: A Psychoanalytic Study of His Life and Images

by Robert S. Liebert

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