
Slaves and Mistresses

Within the Plantation Household: Black and White Women of the Old South

by Elizabeth Fox-Genovese

Is the World Getting Hotter?

The Potential Effects of Global Climate Change on the United States: Draft Report to Congress Printing Office in two volumes

edited by Joel B. Smith, edited by Dennis A. Tirpak

State of the World 1988: A Worldwatch Institute Report on Progress Toward a Sustainable Society

by Lester R. Brown and William U. Chandler and Alan Durning and Christopher Flavin and Lori Heise and Jodi Jacobson and Sandra Postel and Cynthia Pollock Shea and Linda Starke and Edward C. Wolf

A Matter of Degrees: The Potential for Controlling the Greenhouse Effect

by Irving M. Mintzer

The End

by Larry Ephron

The Last Laugh

Thy Hand, Great Anarch! India 1921–1952

by Nirad C. Chaudhuri

Prophet of Lubyanka

My Century: The Odyssey of a Polish Intellectual

by Aleksander Wat, edited and translated by Richard Lourie, with a foreword by Czeslaw Milosz

Play It Again, Sam

Waiting for Godot

a play by Samuel Beckett, directed by Mike Nichols

Lost Worlds

Placeways: A Theory of the Human Environment

by Eugene Victor Walter

The Architecture of Exile

by Stanley Tigerman

The Idea of a Town: The Anthropology of Urban Form in Rome, Italy and the Ancient World

by Joseph Rykwert

Confessions of a Polymorph

The Wind Spirit

an autobiography by Michel Tournier, translated by Arthur Goldhammer

The Lovable Analyst

The Clinical Diary of Sándor Ferenczi

edited by Judith Dupont, translated by Michael Balint and Nicola Zarday Jackson

Thanks for the Memory

Les lieux de mémoire

edited by Pierre Nora

Painting Politics for Louis-Philippe: Art and Ideology in Orléanist France, 1830–1848

by Michael Marrinan

Waiting for God in Inglenook

Wheat That Springeth Green

by J.F. Powers

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