

A.A. Milne: The Man Behind Winnie-the-Pooh

by Ann Thwaite

The Thief of Baghdad

Saddam Hussein: A Biography

by Fuad Matar

Republic of Fear: The Politics of Modern Iraq

by Samir al-Khalil

Iraqi Power and US Security in the Middle East

by Stephen C. Pelletiere and Douglas V. Johnson II and Leif R. Rosenberger

Human Rights in Iraq

Middle East Watch

At the Bottom of the Pond

An Autumn Story

by Tommaso Landolfi, translated by Joachim Neugroschel

The Making of Mandela

A History of South Africa

by Leonard Thompson

The Struggle: A History of the African National Congress

by Heidi Holland

South Africa Belongs to Us: A History of the ANC

by Francis Meli

Apartheid's Rebels: Inside South Africa's Hidden War

by Stephen M. Davis

Higher Than Hope: The Authorized Biography of Nelson Mandela

by Fatima Meer

The Chinese Amnesia

Under the Chinese Communist policy of “Forgetting History,” about once each decade the true face of history is thoroughly erased from the memory of Chinese society.

Americans and Revolutionaries

Revolutions: Reflections on American Equality and Foreign Liberations

by David Brion Davis

Triumphs of Colonialism

The Ants

by Bert Hölldobler and Edward O. Wilson

The Comedian Of Horror

Gathering Evidence: A Memoir

by Thomas Bernhard, translated by David McLintock

Wittgenstein's Nephew: A Friendship

by Thomas Bernhard, translated by David McLintock

Histrionics: Three Plays

by Thomas Bernhard. (A Party for Boris; Ritter, Dene, Voss; Histrionics), translated by Peter Jansen and Kenneth Northcutt

The President and Eve of Retirement

by Thomas Bernhard, translated by Gitta Honegger

The Lime Works

by Thomas Bernhard, translated by Sophie Wilkins


by Thomas Bernhard, translated by Richard Winston and Clara Winston


by Thomas Bernhard, translated by Sophie Wilkins


by Thomas Bernhard, translated by David McLintock


by Thomas Bernhard, translated by David McClintock

Old Masters: A Comedy

by Thomas Bernhard, translated by Ewald Osers

See all reviewed works
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The Survivor

Asad: The Struggle for the Middle East

by Patrick Seale

Painting the Unpaintable

Facing History: The Black Image in American Art, 1710–1940

by Guy C. McElroy, with an essay by Henry Louis Gates Jr.

The Art of Exclusion: Representing Blacks in the Nineteenth Century

by Albert Boime

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