
A Double Life


by Claude Arnaud, translated by Deke Dusinberre, foreword by Joseph Epstein


Seeing Things

by Seamus Heaney

The Rough Field

by John Montague

Mount Eagle

by John Montague

Gorse Fires

by Michael Longley

The Second American Revolution

The Radicalism of the American Revolution

by Gordon S. Wood

House of Cards

The Tax Inspector

by Peter Carey

French Collaborators: The New Debate

“A striking fact about the Frenchmen indicted for crimes against humanity is that…each of them had an entirely successful career in France after the war.”

The High Cost of New History

Forms of Nationhood: The Elizabethan Writing of England

by Richard Helgerson

The Democratic Vista

Who Will Tell the People: The Betrayal of American Democracy

by William Greider

The Real John Dewey

John Dewey and American Democracy

by Robert B. Westbrook

Child’s Play

Hideous Kinky

by Esther Freud

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