
The Radical

Around the Cragged Hill: A Personal and Political Philosophy

by George F. Kennan

Fatal Attraction

Past Imperfect: French Intellectuals, 1944–1956

by Tony Judt

Invasion of the Mind Snatchers

Politics by Other Means: Higher Education and Group Thinking

by David Bromwich

Beyond the Culture Wars: How Teaching the Conflicts Can Revitalize American Education

by Gerald Graff

Community of Learning: The American College and the Liberal Arts Tradition

by Francis Oakley

He’s the Top

The Paintings and Sketches of Louis I. Kahn

by Jan Hochstim, Introduction by Vincent Scully

Louis I. Kahn: Writings, Lectures, Interviews

edited and with an introduction by Alessandra Latour

Louis I. Kahn: In the Realm of Architecture 1991–January 5, 1992), Centre Georges Pompidou, Paris (March 5–May 4, 1992), the Museum of Modern Art, New York (June 14–August 18, 1992), the Museum of Modern Art, Gunma, Japan (September 26–November 3, 1992),

an exhibition at the Philadelphia Museum of Art

Louis I. Kahn: In the Realm of Architecture

catalog of the exhibition by David B. Brownlee and David G. De Long

The Art Museums of Louis I. Kahn University Museum of Art by

catalog of an exhibition at the Duke Patricia Cummings Loud, foreword by Michael P. Mezzatesta

Nietzsche vs. Nietzsche

The Nietzsche Legacy in Germany, 1890–1990

by Steven E. Aschheim

Forgotten Fatherland: The Search for Elisabeth Nietzsche

by Ben Macintyre

When Nietzsche Wept

by Irvin D. Yalom

South Africa on the Edge

F.W. de Klerk has begun the necessary steps to dismantling apartheid in South Africa, but his objective is simply to keep the Nationalist Party in power.

Popes and Pagans

Rome Reborn: The Vatican Library and Renaissance Culture DC, January 6–April 30, 1993

catalog of the exhibition at the Library of Congress, Washington,, edited by Anthony Grafton

From Byzantium to Italy: Greek Studies in the Italian Renaissance

by N.G. Wilson

Piero della Francesca

by Carlo Bertelli, translated by Edward Farrelly

The Jumper


a film directed by Danny De Vito, written by David Mamet

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