The Hidden Life of Dogs
by Elizabeth Marshall Thomas
Particularly Cats and Rufus
by Doris Lessing
Cats: Ancient and Modern
by Juliet Clutton-Brock
a film directed by Mike Leigh, screenplay by Mike Leigh, produced by Simon Channing-Williams
It's a Great Big Shame!
a play by Mike Leigh
Life is Sweet
directed by Mike Leigh, screenplay by Mike Leigh
High Hopes
directed by Mike Leigh, screenplay by Mike Leigh
Four Days in July
directed by Mike Leigh, screenplay by Mike Leigh
directed by Mike Leigh, screenplay by Mike Leigh
Abigail's Party
directed by Mike Leigh, screenplay by Mike Leigh
Nuts in May
directed by Mike Leigh, screenplay by Mike Leigh
Bleak Moments
directed by Mike Leigh
'Abigail's Party' and 'Goose-Pimples'
'Smelling a Rat' & 'Ecstasy'
Too Much of a Good Thing
(broadcast by the BBC in 1992)
Elizabeth Bishop: Life and the Memory of It
by Brett C. Millier
Elizabeth Bishop: The Biography of a Poetry
by Lorrie Goldensohn
Elizabeth Bishop and Marianne Moore: The Psychodynamics of Creativity
by Joanne Feit Diehl
Elizabeth Bishop and Her Art
edited by Lloyd Schwartz, edited by Sybil P. Estess
Becoming a Poet: Elizabeth Bishop with Marianne Moore and Robert Lowell
by David Kalstone, edited by Robert Hemenway, afterword by James Merrill
The Complete Poems, 1927–1979
by Elizabeth Bishop
The Collected Prose
by Elizabeth Bishop, edited and with an introduction by Robert Giroux
Alfred Nobel: A Biography
by Kenne Fant, translated by Marianne Ruuth
Frank Lloyd Wright
by Meryle Secrest
Frank Lloyd Wright: Collected Writings:
edited by Bruce Brooks Pfeiffer, Introduction by Kenneth Frampton
Wright Studies, Volume I: Taliesin, 1911–1914
edited by Narciso G. Menocal
Frank Lloyd Wright: The Lost Years 1910–1922: A Study of Influence
by Anthony Alofsin
Frank Lloyd Wright: The Masterworks
edited by David Larkin and Bruce Brooks Pfeiffer, text by Bruce Brooks Pfeiffer
Frank Lloyd Wright, Hollyhock House and Olive Hill
by Kathryn Smith
Frank Lloyd Wright's Hollyhock House
by Donald Hoffmann
Barnsdall House: Los Angeles, 1920
by James Steele
The Wright Style
by Carla Lind
Frank Lloyd Wright Companion
by William Allin Storrer
About Wright: An Album of Recollections by Those Who Knew Frank Lloyd Wright
by Edgar Tafel
Frank Lloyd Wright: Architect 20–May 10, 1994)
catalog of the exhibition at the Museum of Modern Art (February, edited by Terence Riley
The Rush to German Unity
by Konrad H. Jarausch
Beyond the Wall: Germany's Road to Unification
by Elizabeth Pond
German Unification in the European Context
by Peter H. Merkl, with a contribution by Gert-Joachim Glaessner
The Cultivation of Hatred
by Peter Gay
Bourgeois Society in Nineteenth-Century Europe
edited by Jürgen Kocka, edited by Allen Mitchell
When the Old Left Was Young: Student Radicals and America's First Mass Student Movement, 1929–1941
by Robert Cohen
New Studies in the Politics and Culture of U.S. Communism
edited by Michael E. Brown, edited by Randy Martin, edited by Frank Rosengarten, edited by George Snedeker
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