Forests: The Shadow of Civilization
by Robert Pogue Harrison
Hunters and Poachers: A Cultural and Social History of Unlawful Hunting in England 1485–1640
by Roger B. Manning
Rage and Fire: A Life of Louise Colet, Pioneer Feminist, Literary Star, Flaubert's Muse
by Francine du Plessix Gray
A Fish in the Water: A Memoir
by Mario Vargas Llosa, translated by Helen Lane
Highly Confident: The True Story of the Crime and Punishment of Michael Milken
by Jesse Kornbluth
A License to Steal: The Untold Story of Michael Milken and the Conspiracy to Bilk the Nation
by Benjamin J. Stein
The First Junk Bond: A Story of Corporate Boom and Bust
by Harlan Platt
Money of the Mind: Borrowing and Lending in America from the Civil War to Michael Milken
by James Grant
King Icahn: The Biography of a Renegade Capitalist
by Mark Stevens
Den of Thieves
by James B. Stewart
Nightmare on Wall Street: Salomon Brothers and the Corruption of the Marketplace
by Martin Mayer
High Yield Bonds: Issues Concerning Thrift Investments in High Yield Bonds, 3/2/89, GGD-89-48
General Accounting Office
The Predators' Ball: The Inside Story of Drexel Burnham and the Rise of the Junk-Bond Raiders
by Connie Bruck
The Forgotten Plague: How the Battle Against Tuberculosis Was Won
and Lost
by Frank Ryan
Living in the Shadow of Death: Tuberculosis and the Social Experience of Illness in American History
by Sheila M. Rothman
Silent Travelers: Germs, Genes, and the 'Immigrant Menace'
by Alan M. Kraut
Protecting Soldiers and Mothers: The Political Origins of Social Policy in the United States
by Theda Skocpol
Recollections of the New Deal: When the People Mattered
by Thomas H. Eliot, edited and with an introduction by John Kenneth Galbraith
The Wrath of Nations: Civilization and the Furies of Nationalism
by William Pfaff
Ethnonationalism: The Quest for Understanding
by Walker Connor
Nationalism: Five Roads to Modernity
by Liah Greenfeld
Elusive Prophet: Ahad Ha'am and the Origins of Zionism
by Steven J. Zipperstein
Liberal Nationalism
by Yael Tamir
Blood and Belonging: Journeys into the New Nationalism
by Michael Ignatieff
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