
The Captive Mind

Forging War: The Media in Serbia, Croatia and Bosnia-Hercegovina

by Mark Thompson

Lonely Passion

A Passion for Wings

by Robert Wohl

Saint-Exupéry: A Biography

by Stacy Schiff

The Liberator

‘Long Walk to Freedom: The Autobiography of Nelson Mandela’

Long Walk to Freedom: The Autobiography of Nelson Mandela

Talking Cuba

Mea Cuba

by Guillermo Cabrera Infante. translated by Kenneth Hall with the author

‘The Margaret Ghost’

The Letters of Margaret Fuller

1817-1850, in six volumes edited by Robert N. Hudspeth

Minerva and the Muse: A Life of Margaret Fuller

by Joan Von Mehren

Margaret Fuller: An American Romantic Life, Volume I: The Private Years

by Charles Capper

These Sad But Glorious Days: Dispatches from Europe, 1846-1850

by Margaret Fuller, edited by Larry J. Reynolds and Susan Belasco Smith

Margaret Fuller's New York Journalism: A Biographical Essay and Key Writings

edited by Catherine C. Mitchell

The Un-Heimlich Maneuver

The Norton Book of Ghost Stories

edited by Brad Leithauser

Women and Ghosts

by Alison Lurie

The Great Outsider

Theory and Philosophy of Art: Style, Artist, and Society, Selected Papers, Volume IV

by Meyer Schapiro

Romanesque Art (Volume I)

Modern Art: 19th & 20th Centuries (Volume II)

Late Antique, Early Christian, and Mediaeval Art (Volume III)

The Riddle of Umberto Eco

The Limits of Interpretation

by Umberto Eco

Interpretation and Overinterpretation

by Umberto Eco and Richard Rorty and Jonathan Culler and Christine Brooke-Rose, edited by Stefan Collini

Six Walks in the Fictional Woods

by Umberto Eco

Apocalypse Postponed

by Umberto Eco, translated and edited by Robert Lumley


by Umberto Eco, translated by William Weaver

How to Travel with a Salmon & Other Essays

by Umberto Eco, translated by William Weaver

See all reviewed works
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Thomas’s Confirmation: The True Story

The Confirmation Mess: Cleaning Up the Federal Appointments Process

by Stephen L. Carter

Race-ing Justice, En-gendering Power: Essays on Anita Hill, Clarence Thomas, and the Construction of Social Reality

edited and with an introduction by Toni Morrison

Resurrection: The Confirmation of Clarence Thomas

by John C. Danforth

Strange Justice: The Selling of Clarence Thomas

by Jane Mayer and Jill Abramson

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