Contract With America
On the Edge: The Clinton Presidency
by Elizabeth Drew
Arrogant Capital: Washington, Wall Street, and the Frustration of American Politics
by Kevin Phillips
The Politics of the High-Wage Path: The Challenge Facing Democrats
by Ruy A. Teixeira
Ominous Hush: The Thunderstorm Paintings of Martin Johnson Heade
The Metropolitan Museum of Art, October 4, 1994–January 8, 1995
Ominous Hush: The Thunderstorm Paintings of Martin Johnson Heade
catalog of the exhibition by Sarah Cash, technical notes by Claire M. Barry
The Philby Files: The Secret Life of Master Spy Kim Philby
by Genrikh Borovik, edited and with an introduction by Phillip Knightley
My Five Cambridge Friends: Burgess, Maclean, Philby, Blunt, and Cairncross by their KGB Controller
by Yuri Modin and Jean-Charles Deniau and Aguieszka Ziarek, translated by Anthony Roberts, Introduction by David Leitch
Treason in the Blood: H. St. John Philby, Kim Philby, and the Spy Case of the Century
by Anthony Cave Brown
Balzac: A Life
by Graham Robb
Race and Culture: A World View
by Thomas Sowell
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