
The Republican Promise

Contract With America

On the Edge: The Clinton Presidency

by Elizabeth Drew

Arrogant Capital: Washington, Wall Street, and the Frustration of American Politics

by Kevin Phillips

The Politics of the High-Wage Path: The Challenge Facing Democrats

by Ruy A. Teixeira

Heade Storms

Ominous Hush: The Thunderstorm Paintings of Martin Johnson Heade

The Metropolitan Museum of Art, October 4, 1994–January 8, 1995

Ominous Hush: The Thunderstorm Paintings of Martin Johnson Heade

catalog of the exhibition by Sarah Cash, technical notes by Claire M. Barry

The Fabulous Five

The Philby Files: The Secret Life of Master Spy Kim Philby

by Genrikh Borovik, edited and with an introduction by Phillip Knightley

My Five Cambridge Friends: Burgess, Maclean, Philby, Blunt, and Cairncross by their KGB Controller

by Yuri Modin and Jean-Charles Deniau and Aguieszka Ziarek, translated by Anthony Roberts, Introduction by David Leitch

Treason in the Blood: H. St. John Philby, Kim Philby, and the Spy Case of the Century

by Anthony Cave Brown

The Downhill Slope

The Afterlife and Other Stories

by John Updike

A Private View

by Anita Brookner

Balzac’s Genius & Other Paradoxes

“Balzac’s claim to the title of Greatest French Novelist of All Time can hardly be disputed…. The total cast of his Comédie humaine amounts to some 3,500 characters (including a few animals)—in all of Western literature, only Shakespeare and Dickens approached such a bewildering fecundity.”

Balzac: A Life

by Graham Robb

When the Spirit Moves

A woman had seen a statue move in a city church. Another had seen the Virgin reach out her hand. Another saw her move as if to step down from her shrine.

How to Succeed in Business by Really Trying

Race and Culture: A World View

by Thomas Sowell

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