
He’s the Top!

The driving riddle and triumph of Porter’s life was that a man so leery of failure made a career of writing for the stage, where flops are sudden, spectacular, and mortifyingly public.

Cole Porter: A Biography

by William McBrien

The Not Very Grand Inquisitor

Communication from the Office of the Independent Counsel, Kenneth W. Starr: Appendices to the Referral to the United States House of Representatives pursuant to Title 28, United States Code, å¤595(c), Parts 1 and 2

Submitted by the Office of the Independent Counsel

…And the Horse He Rode In On: The People v. Kenneth Starr

by James Carville

The Clinton Enigma: A Four-and-a-Half-Minute Speech Reveals This President's Entire Life

by David Maraniss

Believe It or Not

A Collector's Cabinet 17-November 1, 1998.

exhibition at the National Gallery of Art, Washington, D.C., May, Catalog of the exhibition byWheelock, Arthur K. Jr.

Wonders and the Order of Nature, 1150-1750

by Lorraine Daston and Katharine Park

Special Cases: Natural Anomalies and Historical Monsters

by Rosamond Purcell

Do Parents Count?

The Nurture Assumption: Why Children Turn Out the Way They Do

by Judith Rich Harris, with a foreword by Steven Pinker

Escape Artists

The Last Resort

by Alison Lurie

Park City: New and Selected Stories

by Ann Beattie

A Patchwork Planet

by Anne Tyler

Waiting for Lefty

I Married a Communist

by Philip Roth

Pricks and Kicks

Mistler's Exit

by Louis Begley


by Tim Parks

Iran’s Unlikely President

Hope and Challenge: The Iranian President Speaks

by Mohammad Khatami, edited by Parviz Morewedge and Kent P. Jackson, translated by Alidad Mafinezam

Bim-e Mowj [Fear of the Wave]

by Mohammad Khatami

Az Donya-ye Shahr ta Shahr-e Donya: Sayri dar Andisheh-ye Siyasi-ye Gharb [From the World of the City to the City of the World: A Survey of Western Political Thought]

by Mohammad Khatami

Vivacious Ghost

How the Canyon Became Grand: A Short History

by Stephen J. Pyne

The Landmines Ban & Its Discontents

The History of Landmines

by Mike Croll

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