
The Awful Truth

The Great Unraveling: Losing Our Way in the New Century

by Paul Krugman

Singular in Everything

El Greco

catalog of the exhibition edited by David Davies, with essays by Davies and John H. Elliott and contributions by Xavier Bray, Keith Christiansen, Gabriele Finaldi, Marcus Burke, and Lois Oliver

Funny as a Crutch

Nathanael West: Novels and Other Writings

selected and with notes by Sacvan Bercovitch

Nathanael West

by Robert Emmet Long

Nathanael West: A Collection of Critical Essays

edited by Jay Martin

Imitation of Life

Whatever You Say I Am: The Life and Times of Eminem

by Anthony Bozza

Eminem "Talking": Marshall Mathers in His Own Words

by Chuck Weiner

Angry Blonde

by Eminem

Tumult in the Clouds

Visions of a Flying Machine: The Wright Brothers and the Process of Invention

by Peter L. Jakab

Taking Flight: Inventing the Aerial Age from Antiquity through the First World War

by Richard P. Hallion

To Conquer the Air: The Wright Brothers and the Great Race for Flight

by James Tobin

Progress in Flying Machines

by Octave Chanute

Les Avions de la Grande Galerie

Musée de l'Air et de l'Espace

The Wright Brothers and the Invention of the Aerial Age

by Tom D. Crouch and Peter L. Jakab

First Flight: The Wright Brothers and the Invention of the Airplane

by T.A. Heppenheimer

The Published Writings of Wilbur and Orville Wright

edited by Peter L. Jakab and Rick Young

How We Invented the Airplane: An Illustrated History

by Orville Wright, edited by Fred C. Kelly

Wings of Madness: Alberto Santos-Dumont and the Invention of Flight

by Paul Hoffman

Unlocking the Sky: Glenn Curtiss and the Race to Invent the Airplane

by Seth Shulman

Inside the Sky: A Meditation on Flight

by William Langewiesche

No Visible Horizon: Surviving the World's Most Dangerous Sport

by Joshua Cooper Ramo

North Star over My Shoulder: A Flying Life

by Bob Buck

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My Lost City

“Aside from the matter of actual violence, drugs, and squalor, there was the fact that in the 1970s New York City was not a part of the United States at all. It was an offshore interzone with no shopping malls, few major chains, very few born-again Christians who had not been sent there on a mission, no golf courses, no subdivisions.”

Clockwork Science

Einstein's Clocks, Poincaré's Maps:Empires of Time

by Peter Galison

In Love with Verdi

Verdi in the Age of Italian Romanticism

by David R.B. Kimbell

The Man Verdi

by Frank Walker

Verdi: A Biography

by Mary Jane Phillips-Matz

What Price Glory?

A Stillness at Appomattox: The Army of the Potomac, Vol. 3

by Bruce Catton

The World Crisis, Vol. 4

by Winston S. Churchill

Infantry Warfare in the Early Fourteenth Century

by Kelly DeVries

Crusade in Europe

by Dwight D. Eisenhower

The Carmen de Hastingae Proelio of Guy, Bishop of Amiens

translated and edited by Catherine Morton and Hope Muntz

War in European History

by Michael Howard

From the Dreadnought to Scapa Flow, Vol. 4

by Arthur J. Marder

Atlanta 1864: Last Chance for the Confederacy

by Richard M. McMurry

Winged Defense: The Development and Possibilities of Modern Air Power—Economic and Military

by William Mitchell

Coral Sea, Midway, and Submarine Actions, May 1942–August 1942

by Samuel Eliot Morison

A History of the Art of War in the Middle Ages

by C.W.C. Oman

The Art of War in the Middle Ages, AD 378–1515

by C.W.C. Oman, revised and edited by John H. Beeler

Mohammed and Charlemagne

by Henri Pirenne

Hankey: Man of Secrets, Vol. 1, 1877–1918

by Stephen Roskill

The Victory at Sea

by William S. Sims

The Bayeux Tapestry: A Comprehensive Survey

edited by Frank Stenton

Eisenhower's Lieutenants: The Campaign of France and Germany, 1944–1945

by Russell F. Weigley

A World at Arms: A Global History of World War II

by Gerhard L. Weinberg

Medieval Technology and Social Change

by Lynn White

The Gesta Guillelmi of William of Poitiers

translated and edited by R.H.C. Davis and Marjorie Chibnall

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Leaving the Lake

Love Me

by Garrison Keillor

Good Man, Bad World

Orwell: The Life

by D.J. Taylor

Inside George Orwell

by Gordon Bowker

News from Everywhere

A Few Short Notes on Tropical Butterflies

by John Murray

Goblin Fruit

by David Marshall Chan

Red Ant House

by Ann Cummins

Curled in the Bed of Love

by Catherine Brady

The Outsider’s Art

The Moon and the Bonfires

by Cesare Pavese, translated from the Italian by R.W. Flint, and with an introduction by Mark Rudman

The Selected Works of Cesare Pavese

translated from the Italian and with an introduction by R.W. Flint

Disaffections: Complete Poems 1930–1950

by Cesare Pavese, translated from the Italian by Geoffrey Brock

The Harvesters

by Cesare Pavese, translated from the Italian by A.E. Murch

Il mestiere di vivere: Diario 1935–1950

by Cesare Pavese, edited by Marziano Guglielminetti and Laura Nay, with an introduction by Cesare Segre

An Absurd Vice: A Biography of Cesare Pavese

by Davide Lajolo, translated from the Italian and with an introduction by Mario and Mark Pietralunga

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He Springs Eternal

Hope Dies Last: Keeping the Faith in Difficult Times

by Studs Terkel

Mr. Bush & the Divine

Armageddon: The Cosmic Battle of the Ages

by Tim F. LaHaye and Jerry B. Jenkins

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