
T. E. Lawrence

T. E. Lawrence to His Biographers

by Robert Graves and B.H. Liddell Hart

338171, T.E. Lawrence of Abrabia

by Victoria Ocampo, translated by David Garnett

The Family Way

The Wapshot Scandal

by John Cheever

The Blues

“The tremendous burden of sociology which LeRoi Jones would place upon this body of music is enough to give even the blues the blues.”

Blues People

by LeRoi Jones

A Progressive Hero

George W. Norris: The Making of a Progressive, 1861-1912

by Richard Lowitt

An Early Modern

A Life

by Italo Svevo, translated by Archibald Colquhoun

Belle Lettriste

Madame de Sevigne

by Harriet Ray Allentuch


Mannerism and Maniera

by Craig Hugh Smyth

Italian Mannerism

by Giuliano Briganti

Mannerism, the European Style of the Sixteenth Century

by Franzsepp Würtenberger

A Hard Case

James Forrestal: A Study of Personality Politics and Policy

by Arnold A. Rogow


Self-Renewal: The Individual and the Innovative Society

by John W. Gardner

Rhapsody In Blue

The Collected Novels of Conrad Aiken

with an introduction by R.P. Blackmur

Science As History

Scientific Change

edited by A.C. Crombie

Big Three


by P.J. Yarrow

The Art of Jean Racine

by Bernard Weinberg

Men and Masks: A Study of Moliere

by Lionel Gossman

Working Up The Absurd

Problematic Rebel

by Maurice Friedman


Fables of Identity: Studies in Poetic Mythology

by Northrop Frye

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