
The Agony of Oscar Wilde

Oscar Wilde: The Aftermath

by H. Montgomery Hyde

The Great Outsider

The Prophet Outcast

by Isaac Deutscher

The Basic Writings of Trotsky

edited by Irving Howe

From Trollope to Updike

The Sense of Life in the Modern Novel

by Arthur Mizener

The Enlightenment

The Party of Humanity: Essays in the French Enlightenment

by Peter Gay

Petit Guignol

The Wanting Seed and Honey for the Bears

by Anthony Burgess

Four Photographers

A Vision of Paris

by Eugène-August Atget, edited by Arthur D. Trottenberg

A Life in Photography

by Edward Steichen

The World Through My Eyes

by Andreas Feininger

Photographs by Cartier-Bresson

introduction by Lincoln Kirstein

Pride and Prejudice

An Education in Georgia: The Integration of Charlayne Hunter and Hamilton Holmes

by Calvin Trillin

Answering Service

The Columbia Encyclopedia, Third Edition

The Myth of the Britannica

by Harvey Einbinder

Liberty Bonds

The Quest for the Dream

by John P. Roche

Auden Above the Snow Line

The Disenchanted Island: The Poetry of W. H. Auden:

by Monroe K. Spears

Gogol’s Grandson

Gogol's Wife and Other Stories

by Tommaso Landolfi, translated by Raymond Rosenthal and John Longrigg and Wayland Young

The Cape

The Great Beach

by John Hay

Mozart and the Scholars

The Creative World of Mozart

by Paul Henry Lang

Too Much Mustard

A State of England

by Anthony Hartley

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