
Yonder Shakespeare, Who Is He?

William Shakespeare

by A.L. Rowse


by Peter Quennell

The Sonnets of Shakespeare

by J. Dover Wilson

American Gothic

Dorothy and Red

by Vincent Sheean

White Mischief

Africa and The Communist World

by Zbigniew K. Brzezinski et al.

Lover Boy

My Life and Loves

by Frank Harris, edited and introduced by John F. Gallagher


The American Language

by H.L. Mencken. Abridged Edition, edited by Raven J. McDavid Jr.

The Over-Wrought Urn

William Faulkner: The Yoknapatawpha Country

by Cleanth Brooks

Just Folks

Faulkner's People: A Complete Guide and Index to the Characters in Faulkner

by Robert W. Kirk and Marvin Klotz

Vues Optiques

Proust's Binoculars

by Roger Shattuck

Hard Marker

American Education: A National Failure

by Admiral H.G. Rickover

What’s New?

The Moderns: An Anthology of New Writing in America

edited by LeRoi Jones

This Happy Breed

The Fifth Queen

by Ford Madox Ford

The Boys In The Back Room

The Senate Establishment

by Joseph S. Clark. other Senators

Taste of Kings

The Tudor, Stuart and Early Georgian Pictures in the Royal Collection

by Oliver Millar

Weimar and After

A History of the Weimar Republic

by Erich Eyck

Stresemann and the Politics of the Weimar Republic

by Henry Ashby Turner Jr.

The Economics of Success

by Ludwig Erhard

Power Play

Power, Corruption, and Rectitude

by Harold D. Lasswell and Arnold A. Rogow

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