
On Being Discovered

Music in a New Found Land: Themes and Developments in the History of American Music

by Wilfrid Mellers

Sartre’s Cage


by Jean-Paul Sartre, translated by Benita Eisler

The Philosophy of Jean-Paul Sartre

by R.D. Cumming


Winston Churchill: An Intimate Portrait

by Violet Bonham Carter

Casting Out Demons

Dog Years

by Günter Grass, translated by Ralph Manheim

Hard Times


by W.A. Swanberg

Pop President

The Available Man: Warren Gamaliel Harding

by Andrew Sinclair


After Twenty Years

by Marcus G. Raskin and Richard J. Barnet

The Troubled Partnership

by Henry A. Kissinger


Ataturk: A Biography of Mustafa Kemal, Father of Modern Turkey

by Lord Kinross

The City

The Making of Urban America: A History of City Planning in the United States

by John W. Reps

Mixed Company

Mountain of Winter

by Shirley Schoonover

Knights and Dragons

by Elizabeth Spencer

August is a Wicked Month

by Edna O'Brien

Castle Keep

by William Eastlake

A Pile of Stones

by Hugh Nissenson

A Philosophical Poet

Roots and Branches

by Robert Duncan


by David Shapiro

Chinese Art

Chinese Art: Painting, Calligraphy, Stone Rubbing, Wood Engraving

by Werner Speiser and Roger Goepper and Jean Fribourg

Father and Sons

The Promised Seed: A Comparative Study of First and Later Sons

by Irving D. Harris M.D.

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