
Getting Close to Catullus

The Poems of Catullus

translated with an Introduction by Peter Whigham

Inside the Aquarium

Diaries and Letters 1930-1939

by Harold Nicolson, edited by Nigel Nicolson

Journey to the Frontier: Two Roads to the Spanish Civil War

by Peter Stansky and William Abrahams

How Did the Cold War Begin?

Beginnings of the Cold War

by Martin F. Herz

“Late Again,” He Groaned

The Inquisitory

by Robert Pinget

The Village

by Thomas Hinde

Death of the Hind Legs & Other Stories

by John Wain

A Great Explorer

Selected Writings, Volume IV

by Roman Jakobson

God’s Country

The Arrangement

by Elia Kazan

Subversive Activities

Pierre Bayle: Vol 1. Du pays de Foix à la cité d' Erasme

by Elisabeth Labrousse

Pierre Bayle: Vol. 2. Hétérodoxie et rigorisme

by Elisabeth Labrousse

Inventaire critique de la correspondance de Pierre Bayle

by Elisabeth Labrousse

Pierre Bayle et l'instrument critique

by Elisabeth Labrousse

Essays on Pierre Bayle and Religious Controversy

by Walter Rex

Pierre Bayle le philosophe de Rotterdam, Etudes et Documents

edited by Paul Dibon

Historical and Critical Dictionary, Selections

by Pierre Bayle, edited and translated by Richard H. Popkin

At the Crossroads of Faith and Reason, An Essay on Pierre Bayle

by Karl C. Sandberg

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People Without a Country

The Jews of Silence

by Elie Wiesel

The Classical Cold War

Thucydides and the Politics of Bipolarity

by Peter J. Fliess

The Reluctant Warriors

by Donald Armstrong

The Political Background of Aeschylean Tragedy

by Anthony J. Podlecki

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