Leonardo da Vinci
by V.P. Zubov, translated by David H. Kraus, with a Foreword by Myron P. Gilmore
A Reappraisal of Marxian Economics
by Murray Wolfson
Marx's Economic Predictions
by Fred M. Gottheil
Marx and Modern Economics
edited by David Horowitz
The Russian Empire 1801-1917
by Hugh Seton-Watson
Russian Intellectual History: An Anthology
edited by Marc Raeff, with an Introduction by Isaiah Berlin
Russian Philosophy
edited by James M. Edie, edited by James P. Scanlan, edited by Mary Barbara Zeldin, with the collaboration of George L. Kline
Historical Letters
by Peter Lavrov, translated with an Introduction and Notes by James P. Scanlan
The Russian Anarchists
by Paul Avrich
Danilevsky: A Russian Totalitarian
by Robert E. MacMaster
Russian Political Thought: An Introduction
by Thornton Anderson
The Icon and the Axe: An Interpretive History of Russian Culture
by James H. Billington
The Birds of Chile and Adjacent Regions of Argentina, Bolivia and Peru
by A.W. Johnson, illustrated by J.D. Goodall
Birds of the Antarctic
by Edward Wilson, edited by Brian Roberts. with Wilson's original illustrations
The Political Philosophy of Rousseau
by Roger D. Masters
Rousseau and the Spirit of Revolt
by William H. Blanchard
La nouvelle Héloïse: Julie or the New Heloise
by Jean-Jacques Rousseau, translated and abridged by Judith H. McDowell
The Social Contract
by Jean-Jacques Rousseau, translated and introduced by Maurice Cranston
The Progressive Historians: Turner, Beard, Parrington
by Richard Hofstadter
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