
Idealism and Its Critic

Dostoevsky, Tolstoy, and Nietzsche

by Lev Shestov, translated by Bernard Martin, translated by Spencer E. Roberts

Kierkegaard and the Existential Philosophy

by Lev Shestov, translated by Elinor Hewitt

Potestas Clavium

by Lev Shestov, translated by Bernard Martin

Chekhov, and Other Essays future date)

by Lev Shestov

Athens and Jerusalem

by Lev Shestov, translated by Bernard Martin

Essays in Russian Literature: The Conservative View

by Lev Shestov et al., translated and edited by Spencer Roberts

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Revolutionary Aesthetics

Literature and Revolution: A Critical Study of the Writer and Communism in the Twentieth Century

by Jürgen Rühle, translated and edited by Jean Steinberg

Language Barriers

The Best and the Last of Edwin O'Connor

edited with an Introduction by Arthur Schlesinger Jr., and with contributions by Edmund Wilson and John V. Kelleher

Max Jamison

by Wilfrid Sheed

Certified Public Accountant

The Modern Corporation and Private Property

by Adolf A. Berle and Gardiner C. Means


by Adolf A. Berle

Cultivating Voltaire


by Theodore Besterman

The Intellectual Development of Voltaire

by Ira O. Wade

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