Che: Selected Works of Ernesto Guevara
edited by Rolando E. Bonachea, edited by Nelson P. Valdés
Obras, 1957-1967
by E. Che Guevara
by Ernesto Che Guevara
by Ernesto Che Guevara
Reminiscences of the Cuban Revolutionary War
by Ernesto Che Guevara, translated by Victoria Ortiz
Guerrilla Warfare
by Che Guevara, translated by J.P. Morray
Che Guevara und die Revolution
by Heinz Rudolf Sonntag et al.
Obra Revolucionaria
edited by Roberto Fernández Retamar
Venceremos! The Speeches and Writings of Ernesto Che Guevara
edited by John Gerassi
"Che" Guevara on Revolution: A Documentary Overview
edited by Jay Mallin
Che Guevara Speaks, Selected Speeches and Writings
edited by George Lavan
Scritti, discorsi e diari di guerriglia (1959-1967)
edited by Laura González
La Pensée de Che Guevara
by Michael Lowy
Che, Vida y Obra de Ernesto Guevara
by Andrés Sorel
Che Guevara
by Andrew Sinclair
Ernesto "Che" Guevara
by Jean-Jacques Nattiez
Viva Che! Contributions in Tribute to Ernesto "Che" Guevara
edited by Marianne Alexandre
The Black Beret: The Life and Meaning of Che Guevara
by Marvin D. Resnick
Che Guevara
by Philippe Gavi
El Che Guevara
by Hugo Gambini
My Friend Ché
by Ricardo Rojo, translated by Hardie St. Martin
Che: The Making of a Legend
by Martin Ebon
"Che" Guevara, ¿Aventura o Revolución?
by Horacio Daniel Rodríguez
"Che" Guevara
by Franco Pierini
Ché Guevara
by Daniel James
Brandstiftung oder neuer Fried? Reden und Aufsätze
by Ernesto Che Guevara
The Aleph and Other Stories, 1933-1969
by Jorge Luis Borges, translated and edited by Norman Thomas di Giovanni
The Fall into Time
by E.M. Cioran, translated by Richard Howard, with an Introduction by Charles Newman
Scholars and Gentlemen: Universities and Society in Pre-Industrial Britain, 1500-1700
by H.F. Kearney
The Puritan Revolution and Educational Thought
by R.L. Greaves
Education and Jobs: The Great Training Robbery
by Ivan Berg
La Reproduction: Eléments pour une Théorie du Système d'Enseignement
by P. Bourdieu and J.C. Passeron
by Francis Steegmuller
Jean Cocteau: Lettres à André Gide (avec quelques réponses d'André Gide)
Professional Secrets
edited by Robert Phelps
The Pathology of Leadership: A History of the Effects of Disease on 20th-Century Leaders
by Hugh L'Etang
George III and the Mad Business
by Ida Macalpine and Richard Hunter
Cities on the Move
by Arnold Toynbee
The Meaning of the City
by Jacques Ellul
Beyond Habitat
by Mosche Safdie
The Architecture Machine
by Nicholas Negroponte
Justice: The Crisis of Law, Order and Freedom in America
by Richard Harris
The Death and Rebirth of the Seneca
by Anthony F.C. Wallace
Natural Symbols: Explorations in Cosmology
by Mary Douglas
Myth: Its Meaning and Functions in Ancient and Other Cultures
by G.S. Kirk
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