

Woodrow Wilson's China Policy, 1913-1917

by Tien-yi Li

The Higher Realism of Woodrow Wilson and Other Essays

by Arthur S. Link

The Papers of Woodrow Wilson Volumes V-XI

edited by Arthur S. Link Associates

Joe Tumulty and the Wilson Era

by J.M. Blum

Revolution and Intervention: The Diplomacy of Taft and Wilson with Mexico, 1910-1917

by P.E. Haley

Betrayal in the Mines

Death and the Mines

by Brit Hume

Scotch on the Rocks

Selected Essays of Hugh MacDiarmid

edited with an Introduction by Duncan Glen

A Drunk Man Looks at the Thistle

by Hugh MacDiarmid, edited by John C. Weston

Hugh MacDiarmid: Selected Poems

edited with an Introduction by David Craig and John Manson

More Collected Poems

by Hugh MacDiarmid

The Disenchantment of the World

Religion and the Decline of Magic

by Keith Thomas

Witchcraft in Tudor and Stuart England

by Alan MacFarlane

Witchcraft at Salem

by Chadwick Hansen

Magistrats et Sorciers en France au 17e Siècle

by Robert Mandrou

The European Witch-craze of the Sixteenth and Seventeenth Centuries

by H.R. Trevor-Roper

Antichrist in Seventeenth Century England

by Christopher Hill

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The Great God Wish

Paths through the Forest: A Biography of the Brothers Grimm

by Murray B. Peppard


by Anne Sexton

About Wise Men and Simpletons: Twelve Tales from Grimm

translated by Elizabeth Shub

Friend Monkey

by P.L. Travers

A Game of Dark

by William Mayne

The Third Road

by Martha Bacon


by Nina Bawden

Innocent Grove

by Geoffrey Wagner

The Lorax

by Dr. Seuss

Children and Fiction

by Wallace Hildick

Bear Circus

by William Pène du Bois

The Beast of Monsieur Racine

by Tomi Ungerer

How the Mouse Was Hit on the Head by a Stone and so Discovered the World

by Etienne Delessert

The Slightly Irregular Fire Engine

by Donald Barthelme

Tooni the Elephant Boy

by Astrid Bergman Sucksdorff

One Misty Moisty Morning: Rhymes from Mother Goose

pictures by Mitchell Miller

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Life Sentence

Meet Me in the Green Glen

by Robert Penn Warren

The Condor Passes

by Shirley Ann Grau


by Karl Shapiro

Tape’s Last Krapp

A Rap on Race

by Margaret Mead and James Baldwin

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